Petal: Place
FERST Class Labs Adjust To LBC Requirements
Petal: Beauty
Imperative 20: Inspiration + Education
Class Labs Adjust To LBC Requirements
Much like the classrooms, the four class labs are designed to foster active learning by using The Kendeda Building as a teaching tool. This conversation began prior to the building's completion. The class labs that were slated to move into the building had never been required to consider energy and water consumption.
FERST Inspiring Change
Petal: Beauty
Imperative 20: Inspiration + Education
Inspiring Change
The intent of the Beauty Petal is to recognize the need for beauty as a precursor to caring enough to preserve, conserve, and serve the greater good. Therefore, the Beauty Petal requires inspiration and education as an Imperative.
FERST - Fresh Air
Petal: Health & Happiness
Imperative 08: Healthy Interior Environment
ESOL Condensate Harvesting
Petal: Water
Imperative 05: Net Positive Water
Condensate Harvesting
Condensate from the dedicated outdoor air system (DOAS) is collected and used in irrigating the green roof and site. Any excess condensate is diverted to the rainwater management system and returned back to the soil to recharge the groundwater.
ESOL Locally-Sourced Materials
Petal: Materials
Imperative 13: Living Economy Sourcing
ESOL Materials Management
Petal: Materials
Imperative 14: Net Positive Waste
Materials Management
While the Living Building Challenge requirement to be net positive waste only applies to the construction process, this Imperative does require that The Kendeda Building provide dedicated infrastructure for the collection of recyclables and compostable food scraps. Georgia Teach already had a robust materials management plan for campus and The Kendeda Building is providing us with a platform to take materials management to the next level.
ECO-COMMONS Radiant Heating and Cooling
Petal: Energy
Imperative: Net Positive Energy
Radiant Heating and Cooling
Water-based radiant heating and cooling systems are typically comprised of tubes cast within concrete through which warm or cool water is circulated. The Kendeda Building relies on this system throughout the majority of the building.
FERST Transforminmg future generations of thinkers
Petal: Beauty
Imperative: Inspiration + Education
Transforming Future Generations Of Thinkers
The Kendeda Building is a multi-disciplinary, non-departmental education building designed to function as a true living, learning laboratory. The building welcomes the broadest cross section of students so that they can be inspired by its regenerative design.