There is a lot of "potty talk" in The Kendeda Building because sanitation is a local and global issue. The building contains the largest composting toilet system in the state of Georgia. While composting toilets dramatically reduce impact, they are not suitable for all building types and they cannot be easily retrofitted into existing structures.

For all of 2022, The Kendeda Building was the site of Georgia Tech's experimental Generation II Reinvented Toilet. Here, this revolutionary toilet was tested, refined, and hopefully prepared for commercialization. The decommissioned prototype of the toilet continues to be showcased in the building. 

Dr. Shannon Yee, Associate Professor at the G.W.W. School of Mechanical Engineering, leads an international team that is committed to dramatically reducing the ecological, social, and health impacts of sanitation (or lack thereof).   

Georgia Tech Students on a Mission to Reinvent the Toilet

Bill Gate's Heroes in the Field