Rand Zalzala
Master of Architecture program at the Georgia Institute of Technology

Rand is in her final year of the 3.5-year Master of Architecture program at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Originally from Iraq, she came to the United States with an interest architecture and its impact on human behavior. She graduated with a B.A. in Architectural Studies from Oberlin College where she found her passion in environmental design to reduce the impact of global warming on the built environment and people’s wellbeing. She then worked in Boston at architecture firms focused on historic preservation and adaptive reuse for three years before moving to Atlanta to pursue her professional degree and become a licensed professional. At Georgia Tech, she is a Graduate Ambassador at the School of Architecture, the President of Equity in Architecture (GT EQiA) and a co-founder of ECO. Both academically and professionally, Rand aspires to advocate for equitable and sustainable futures for everyone through design.

Rand loves to cook vegetarian versions of Iraqi food which is traditionally very meat heavy.

Rand Zalzala